
Thursday, April 11, 2013

North Carolina Fall

Spent a little time reworking older images as I sometimes do. I find the passage of time provides for new perspectives and I often wonder what I originally saw in an image. The photo above is a case in point. My original idea was to highlight the foggy conditions but I now realize the the story here is about the glorious morning light.

The rays of the sun were captured naturally without any filter effects. The trees on the mountainside provided me with this spectacular show. One more reason to always, "Be out there."

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Official Launch of the "Portrist"

So today marks the official launch of my new website called "The Portrist." The Portist is my alter-ego, a somewhat shadowy character. Please take a few minutes and vist the site. Comments are always welcome.

The Portrist is the personal portrait photographer to the most exotic, interesting and peculiar people on earth.

This is quite a departure from my usual work as it is neither photojournalism nor corporate. It does have that Murder City feeling about it and satisfies my creative side. It also allows me to join the cosplay society and have fun. The Portrist is steampunk in nature and should be a lot of fun to portray. You will find him at various conventions, events, fairs and the odd card game.

For those interested in having your portrait made by the Portrist contact him through the new website link.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ghostly Fairies

"Ghostly Fairies" is the latest in the "Dark Heroes" series. I actually shot this photo several years ago and have reworked it in the "Dark Heroes" style. I am thinking of promoting these portraits as work by the "Portrist", a steampunk photographer character I will play at cosplay conventions around the world.

Cosplayers will be able to commission their own "Dark Heroes" style portrait and order prints online.

If you are interested in commissioning your own photo by the "Portrist" contact me at